
Showing posts from December, 2013


Once upon a time, our sister knew no man – a virgin Until the day gigantic penises snuck into the story Hungry lions, they emerged from their hide-out Like starved vultures dividing the carcass They leaped on her – their helpless prey Shameless bastards To satisfy their dark desires They rape off her, of riches and pride Even spilling their disgusting milk on her face! Naked Scarred breast Ashamed Crying “Help!” Arise o’ come patriots Our sister’s call obey Arise let’s save our Nation From the rapists’ grip And restore unto her The garb of virginity she once wore Written by: Yakubu Andrew Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson Via: Words Rhymes and Rhythm


He rules us – a fiery beast Supreme! Unquestionable fist He says he knows what’s best for all Through winter, summer, spring and fall To him we’re enslaved appliances To rule and stomp to compliance Our welfare his least agenda For his, we must run helter, skelter His broad shoulder is no shelter They do not hug, care or pamper They house the force for swinging whips And sit upon the kicking hips The plundering shark of the ocean Poison ivy body lotion Riding on intimidation No soul, no heart, no compassion Sadist monster, dream killing mists Inside his heart, insanity feasts Father’s story told around me Sound strange to hear, stings like a bee Honour, respect, by love, we earn Watch beasts, fishes or fowls and learn The gods, for love, meddle with men A frail chicken turns brooding hen No grievances my heart will bear Nor will my eyes shed single tear For soulless beast or puny god Their death softens injustice’s rod Let no man bring low enough To hate his sorry self th