
We are all Vulnerable

Ladies are moved by what they hear, men are moved by what we see. Both are vulnerable, we go out daily and see, they walk daily and hear. Let's not make one seem vulnerable than the other. Value each other. No one is likely to the snatched and the other isn't Ladies if you have a good man, trust me lots of ladies are equally playing their cards well to have him, he fights daily to remain faithful to you like I said if you have a good man. He is battling with a lot. Never take him for granted cos some random guy is hovering around you and sweeping you off. Someone is doing same to him somewhere too. Someone has consistently made him her prayer point too. Pls show genuine care for him, don't see him highly responsible for all as much as he knows he is, please don't be the reason he falls. The man you believe is a superman is having sleepless nights over how to ensure he stays faithful to you Please call him, check on him, discuss with him, brothers do same to her. It'

Family is Everything

We are a clan, we aren't bond by just blood and water, we are love bound. Our backbones never crack in our circles because we have got series of back bones. We have got one another's back. While I run a marathon to meet a need they are meters away raising hands to help. They inflict so much pressure when they perceive success in the neighborhood till its attained. We aren't separate by distance we are a body functioning in diverse ways. Never go far to get the exact link of my person, it's hidden in the prayers they make, we are a team with God as our defender, our wings are well played we fly our colors and team goals aren't obstructed by oppositions, rather we oppose contradictions on our path. They are preachers who carry our gospels and announce our works before men and nations, they have got a large heart so your wrongs aren't shockers to them, they have seen it ahead of time and have a reason to forgive. They make our dream, build them and celebrate them.


To the beauty whose womb was my house for nine months regulating the temperature and ensuring I was well fed without haven seen my face To the queen whose back and arms made the perfect bed space where sleep and best of dreams were had even without her hearing meaningful words from mouth let alone thanking her. To the woman whose heart was my habitation occupying her daily thoughts, whose cautions were my worst nightmares till I grew wise to understand she meant the best for me. To the business woman whom all her business was concentrated on me, investing all she had and didn't have to ensure I got the best of life. To the jewel whose neck sank in not befitting gold chains and best necklaces just cos she saw every kobo too vital in my upbringing that she deprived herself of luxury. To the medical doctor who never wrote and MBBS exam but knows what's wrong with me even without explanation. Administering the best of treatment to me ensuring I was stable emotionally, p


We woke up as usual, storming the streets for our daily hustles and bustles for what to eat and drink.  Hi! Holla! was how we greeted with hands smashing against the other and laughers doing works on arts on our cheeks. Our kids will hurriedly run to jump on us whenever we found our ways to our places of abode. Our rumpled shirts from stink and sweat spoke with loud voices how our days handled us "fair or dark" but we never saw a crime in this adventure. No! Not even from the pressure of sleeping late and waking up early, growing as kids our dreams walked the streets with us so we even got used to having dreams without even laying our heads. Cos they lived rather in our minds and expressly grew in our lips. But then! We lost all of these when a foreign one came in, this one I haven't heard or seen before. Without a shape crept into our abode and metamorphosis led to its population increasing. Could this be God's new invention we pondered as we continued with our daily


News Flash: It is finished... This was what I woke up to meet as I hurriedly placed calls across to know what's finished. Could it be the last meal in the house haven been locked in the house for days, or Its the number of cases affected with the plague... Lost in happiness and worry I couldn't detect myself as I kept trying to know and all signals wouldn't connect......  I was notorious and a crime addict at that, crime was my life and it just defines my present and future. My only hope was loosing it someday "I mean whatever it was that held me bound".. We were turned lovers.. "My chains and i" they bound me close with close embrace around my wrist and feet keeping me warm.. I wasn't so comfortable at first but I loved the feeling with time. For every time I tried to run the sweet words brought me back enticing me and reminding me of how long we have been together. I had a tag attached to me... Barabbas, my home with behind BARS, I guess I was dest

Lesson From Dads Desk

As a younger boy dad will always say TImothy go get me water, and as i start going, he will say before that get me something from the room, soon as i come from the second errand, he will send me on another making me forget the first errand... After series of this he will always give me a crazy slap which always made me cry and hate him... But at thisn point, i must attest that at this point it has been helpful.. When you get too involved in activities, you end up loosing focus on your dream and primary purpose.. Making you jack of all trade master of none. Its wiser when you do one at a time or if you have to do more, dont get yourself boxed up doing too many things that you loose focus...


So Yesterday afternoon. i was walking outside the Gate of the University of Benin Main Campus and i was amazed... On getting outside, i saw a large number of people screaming out loud and look at the sky.. Why they screamed i didn't know.. Guess i only have a clue till now (they say MARY)..... I did my best to stare and see who they were seeing but all i saw was the clouds moving in different directions.. from the same sky where they saw Mary... I felt it was just me but many others started but may be we didn't know enough as to seeing what they saw or something else.. Thats by the way... As i walked away i got a message from within saying:: Everyone has got their own view about everything. The fact that people don't see our dreams as bright as we do aren't being wicked.. We all cant just see things at same pace The fact that people don't see the future you see of you doesn't mean it does or doesn't exist.. If you believe id does keep firm to it and if y