Chaos everywhere in the apartments as all the faculties has decided to pick the major and superior one amongst them.
The King of the community Prof. G.O. Oshodin has called for a gathering of all the faculties to send their representatives to gather reasons why they think they should rule the other faculties.
During the meeting the following discussions arose as the reasons why they should rule others:
MEDICINE: We believe we are capable of ruling due to the fact that we are Specialized in handling human health and prescribing drugs to the citizens if we are given the avenue to rule, all the citizens are given adequate treatment and drugs prescribed if any ailment occurs.
B.M.S.: My colleague has spoken well, but I believe we have the upper Edge because my partner only prescribes drugs but we do the laboratory tests to know the causes as we are specialized in knowing the causes and abnormalities in the human body. Making up both body and the blood parts. Therefore if we rule we will ensure accuracy in medical check ups.
AGRICULTURE: They cure ailments but we prevent ailments. They who cure and the patients they cure need to feed so as to be effective in administrating and before treatment, the patients need food, the community will be in worse chaos than anyone can settle. We produce the food, the vitamins for good health and growth. If we rule, then everybody won’t have to cry for food as we will ensure that food is always available in excess. Trust us we are capable.
DENTISTRY: Research has shown that some foods causes tooth decay and
build up holes, we all know this cant be cared for except with our services therefore we the dentists will be happy if placed above all as we will ensure we protect the teeth for effective chewing and biting.
PHARMARCY: It’s wonderful to hear what my counterparts have said but the
truth remains that we produce the drugs, therefore we are the best for the post because when we rule there will be healthy
environment as we will be producing drugs efficient and active for member’s good health, We believe we can and we will.
LIFE SCI: We the faculty of life science deserve to be given the post of the
head regarding the fact that we specialize on both plants and
animals to any extent and we breed the plants from the micro to the macro same as the animals. Realizing that my counterpart from pharmacy will have to wait for us before production of their drugs therefore if we rule, we will ensure all specie in this community gets the right treatment they deserve.
PHYSICAL SCI: We deal with the physical, the seen things, the technology,
computerized world, the reactions of the atmosphere and in every field of life. We make things easier and faster. Over the years our technology has made transaction and communications easier and more effective among the young and the old. We deserve the post realizing that we have done some and we will do more when we get there.
ENGINEERING: Look at the beautiful structures in this community. Imagine the extravagant roads; check out the petroleum production rate, superficial electricity supply to mention but a few. These we have done within a short time and we all know that if this can be done when we haven’t ruled, then we will do more by making this community a model to others if we rule this community.
MANAGEMENT: We deal with the financial life of this community, which we know every other person depends on us even before thinking of taking any step towards growth. We manage the amenities and you can see, we avoid inflation in the community market. If we are privileged then expect more from us.
SOCIAL SCI: Today we are here to resolve a political crisis due to ineffective chances given to us the political scientists. It’s a major reason why we should rule as we are specialized in this aspect. If we rule, issues relating to political and related crisis will be brought to the minimal.
ARTS: Little but great word from my partner from the social sciences, but over the years politicians has always failed us, that’s is why we deserve to move to the arts as we go round spreading information, encouraging communication among ethnic groups as we specialize in languages. We will encourage various entertainment centers and also get amusement parks so as to create an avenue for members to meet and relate with one another and leave the era of all work and no play which we all know is said makes Jack a dull boy. I believe we deserve to be placed above all if we want a better and peaceful community.
LAW: We study the rules and regulations of the world as a whole. We can ensure decency in the community because the rate of immorality is beyond measure. Also a community without a law is a community without offence… we deserve it and we hope to get it.
EDUCATION: I have carefully listened and watched others speak and dramatize but they all forgot to mention that from the doctor to the lawyers, if we don’t train them they can never be what they claim to be. I believe the motive of every member of this community is to learn and we do the lecturing. Therefore if we rule I believe all the potentials they claim to have we posses them. And we can take this community above the peak.
AGRICULTURE: I strongly disagree with that. Before time our fore-fathers have always practiced farming without any special educationist. Good health has always been theirs even without any medical practitioner and has always built houses without any engineer. In this case I believe since we are independent, we deserve to rule.
PHYSICAL SCI: A country without growth in technology is regarded as a retarded nation. Since we specialize in growth, we deserve this.
THE KING: At this stage, everyone has given his best view but which faculty is really the best????


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