
Showing posts from December, 2015


In the year 1982, a soldier arose and commenced from the army of NOODLES FORCE. He received thorough training and tutelage in which he was steadfast and active until 2005 when he broke a record as the first man to save a multitude by taking his time to discover ammunition that is so big that it could save many lives at once. This led to jealousy from his enemies who rose against him from different angles. On the 7th of October, 2010 when false allegations were counted against him that he was including some devices in the ammunitions that could kill the citizens. In this he did not relent yet was diligent, honest and humble. On 11th of October, 2011 his honesty gave him a good reward as he was declared innocent and was promoted to the post of a CAPTAIN. In this he didn’t feel proud until his hard work found him out and today he is the no 1 most celebrated ARMY in the world a FIELD MARSHALL. His service vestments are: Wheat flower – Breast plate Vegetable oil – Shield


I weep in fear I feel so dim with drear Longing for a ray of light To make it come out bright It started with a fight Brought about great fright Children out of sight Parent gets the bite Eyes fading off Plans falling off War now our conclusion Killing now a profession Men can no longer trust Like metals hearts now rust The wealthy defend their pockets The masses move with empty buckets Education now a second order discipline Yet we call the youth leaders of tomorrow I cry for my dream I wish it wasn’t dim I pray it comes true After all what I have been through Days of starvation Days of stagnation I see a nation where the coat of arms means a lot Where the anthem is not sang for naught Where our currency will not be bought Where our flag will be without a blot Where our motto will calm down wrath Where our leaders will have us in thought I see citizens being equal Where parental connections won’t be the ticket I see men boasting of three square meal with good roads I see our


Just like a little sida weed She grows with great speed Just like yesterday when she was born She has sprung up among thorns Her natural beauty astonishes Like that which garnishes Her voice sounds so charming Making me want to hear it coming Her value is above rubies Not compared to any goodies Her walk looks so tender Making me kind of wonder Something hides under this Something with great bliss The beauty that originated from that day The hour and minute of your birthday


How time flies, just like yesterday a baby was born and within a twinkle of an eye, he/she is an adult A times I sit and ponder how does this happen? Food makes us grow but does it really mean it is the source? Not sure I remember when I was five, my mum asked me, HOW WILL YOU LIKE TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY? “NORMAL WAY” I said, You may wonder what the NORMAL way meant. Normal way could be in a grand style, it could also mean just like people come and wish you happy birthday or Give thanks to God in your closet then be with your friends. To me I believe the normal way is give thanks to God in your closet and then hang with your friends just to make sure you and they are happy. Why is it always normal? It is because with that you really know your value but the other ways, they may come to eat your food and leave, or just wish you happy birthday because they have no choice but being with friends I believe you are 95% sure of security and happiness till now, I like it the NORMAL WA


Lying frustrated With great level of hatred Anger being elevated Nothings seems coordinated Tears taste like ice cream Day and night I think of my dream Hoping for the day of great beam Nevertheless it looked just too dim A voice from beneath Screaming with defeat If only i could edit Indeed it wasn’t legit A better voice now audible Loveable and commendable With low tone so humble Saying to me “HE IS ABLE”


Don’t blame Adam He never wanted to give a damn Don’t blame Eve Guess she was so naive Don’t blame David He only wanted to take the lead Don’t blame Samson HE was ruled by sin Don’t blame Judas He only wanted to make the scripture come to pass Don’t query Sapphire and Ananias They just couldn’t follow true self denials Commend Abraham His faith showed him the spiritual ram Jacob was really a great wrestler Could he have once been a butcher I envy Joseph He ran away from self Don’t blame the young prophet He never thought the old prophet was a suspect Saul wasn’t just jealous He was fighting against his loss No one should be blamed for anything To every occasion there is a unique thing