We woke up as usual, storming the streets for our daily hustles and bustles for what to eat and drink. 

Hi! Holla! was how we greeted with hands smashing against the other and laughers doing works on arts on our cheeks.

Our kids will hurriedly run to jump on us whenever we found our ways to our places of abode. Our rumpled shirts from stink and sweat spoke with loud voices how our days handled us "fair or dark" but we never saw a crime in this adventure.

No! Not even from the pressure of sleeping late and waking up early, growing as kids our dreams walked the streets with us so we even got used to having dreams without even laying our heads. Cos they lived rather in our minds and expressly grew in our lips.

But then! We lost all of these when a foreign one came in, this one I haven't heard or seen before. Without a shape crept into our abode and metamorphosis led to its population increasing.

Could this be God's new invention we pondered as we continued with our daily lives. She was not so pretty so she never did entice us but..... She found herself one way or the other into our hearts and lived in there.. A days wouldn't pass without me thinking of her and smiling in tears. She hurts us but we can't help but laugh it all out.

Like Ninjas we got our nose protected not to inhale the scent from her horrible smell, our hands we had to wash, sanitize ourselves, they said she doesn't come near beautiful hands and feet so we lived a life like this.

Then one day they came and said she is quite promiscuous and doesn't mind being cheated on, she could engage as much as fifty persons in a gathering yet none will get bored. She places her hands on your chest, Yes! She takes our breath away while we look for survival in the land of the dead, sleeps with all and fertilize our minds and health with her offspring within seconds.

Gradually she scattered us within us. Sending us back to our homes without a sweat or a job so we can concentrate more on her thoughts than our dreams. We now get used to sleep and the only dreams we can see lies in there..

Although she makes beats of threat and danger that we all dance to from our homes, I am a jealous lover and won't want to loose you to her. She is cunning, she is smart, she doesn't need a long time to win your heart.

She is Corona..

Let's stay at home. Isolate ourselves from her so she could get all bored and go back to extinction, let's not create more avenues for her to express her hurting love to us.

Let's please STAY AT HOME

Stop Corona Virus today.

Please stay at home, don't go out too soon so you won't be gone too soon.


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