We are all Vulnerable

Ladies are moved by what they hear, men are moved by what we see. Both are vulnerable, we go out daily and see, they walk daily and hear. Let's not make one seem vulnerable than the other.

Value each other. No one is likely to the snatched and the other isn't

Ladies if you have a good man, trust me lots of ladies are equally playing their cards well to have him, he fights daily to remain faithful to you like I said if you have a good man. He is battling with a lot.

Never take him for granted cos some random guy is hovering around you and sweeping you off. Someone is doing same to him somewhere too.

Someone has consistently made him her prayer point too. Pls show genuine care for him, don't see him highly responsible for all as much as he knows he is, please don't be the reason he falls. The man you believe is a superman is having sleepless nights over how to ensure he stays faithful to you

Please call him, check on him, discuss with him, brothers do same to her. It's sad when your partner enjoys someone's company than yours. It's sad if your partner gets more time and attention from others. Save the world. Not all men or women are evil, you had a hand in it.

Men are vulnerable, women are too.. The lady may not ask him out but she knows what she does to make him feel loved... Emotions are heartless they don't even know if you are in a relationship or not when they sprout for another. Please let's all help ourselves and our partners. Let your partner what you are passing through emotionally. That guy or lady who won't let you rest... Please tell your partner not to put him or her under pressure but so they can help...

They are supposed to be your help meet not your bedmate or whatever you see them as. They should help in all. If you don't talk about it, they may not know, innocently they won't stalk you cos they trust you. Don't loose trust and try gaining it just cos u refused to talk about it early. We all are vulnerable I repeat!!!!

UNLESS YOUR PARTNER IS WORTHLESS then know no one is praying to have them..

The worst mistake you can make is getting too busy for your partner and saying they understand, Sincerely they do but understanding can't always suffice for the attention they need, especially is someone is giving all of it to them while they are craving yours.


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